Life satisfaction is a perception that an individual feels about the entirety of life. It is the sum of all the experiences that you have in the long-term.
It seems complicated, right? But life satisfaction can actually be analyzed with a very simple query: "Are you satisfied with your life right now?"If you answered in the negative then you can change the question to: "How can I increase my life satisfaction?"
Some tips are:
1. Think Positive
Think-truly think positive and all the great results will just come your way.
The power of thinking and being positive is deeply rooted in scientific fact. Many notable researches have showed that positive thoughts have actually increased the level of life satisfaction.This was and can be achieved by thinking daily positive thoughts.
This negativity is pretty common with many of us today and psychological research has shown that the best method to overcome this is to basically live in the now.
2. Get a Hobby
A hobby is something that you love to do. It is an activity that you do outside of work that makes you happy and gives you a lot of positive emotions.
If you may difficulty in getting a hobby keep an open mind. There are many activities that you can do- most are inexpensive - are wonderful stress relievers and you can even do this with friends.
3. Establish and Achieve Goals.
Realistic goal setting based on your strengths and weakness is the best strategies that have been adopted by successful individuals who have very high level of life satisfaction.
The best way to go about achieving your goals is to be goal and results oriented. Prioritize these goals and classify them according to timeframe. (short-term, mid-term and long-term goals.
4. End your single life!
You confirmed bachelors and bachelorettes out there-you can more life satisfaction with a married life.
Ok, as you may or may not know I'm not exactly married at the moment, but...having personally gone through the various stages of marriage, divorce, single life and now being in an incredible loving relationship again, I have to agree with all the research- being in a happy, loving and trusting relationship whether in marriage or not does contribute hugely towards my overall happiness and life satisfaction.
So, if you're single at the moment and life isn't necessarily a bundle of joys, get out there and look for Mr or Ms' right. He or she is definitely out there
5. Raise a Family
This is the next logical step after marriage. Having kids in never easy but married couples with kids, as studies have shown get more life satisfaction than couples who do not have kids.Having kids also gives a higher sense of achievement and gives more responsibility.
You see the world in a different and a more mature view.
6. Be with Friends
All human beings are social animals. Having your friends around is a time-tested social support network that will make you grounded and on the right track.
It will give you better life satisfaction-knowing that you have peers that support you!
You have to be with real friends who are your peers and who have the same mindset as you do.You have many varied options for this essential social support for a better quality of life.
7. Education
In our current society - those who have attained a higher education level have a higher life satisfaction level.
Remember that education just does not stop after you get employed-if truth be told it is just the true beginning.
8. Get and Stay Fit and Healthy
Exercising regularly and keeping trim is now an habitual behavior of mine.Staying fit and healthy are essential ingredients to life satisfaction and your overall quality of life.
If you are not fit and healthy you cannot achieve or have the strength and resolve to achieve any of the above!
You have to watch your diet-and exercise regularly.Fitness and health will do wonders for your self- confidence and well-being.
Happiness is not just achieved by a quick fix or a sudden abrupt change-it is done with the these steps and with commitment.
Once you sincerely commit-then you are now on the way to true sustainable and greater life satisfaction.
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